Here are a few vids from the event. :)
The 2-3-2 system remained solid all weekend. :D Several miles of driving and tons of mucking about and it still worked on the end of the Sunday. So with a final fine tune i think it might be finished, for now. :) Still need to redo the ankle joints for the ultimate stability, but i can work on the 2 leg driving now. :)
Having a chat with a few of the builders, and sharing stories, i was saying i had to replace a couple of servos, and Mark (creator of Amy, Zoe and the other droids) said he had lost a few servos when running from Arduino pins. So i have decided to redo my servo control. Will use one arduino to control 2 Adafruit Servo controllers, im getting some help, and hoping to make a new library to be able to control the speed of the servos more easily, with that the solution will be just as good. :) A dome bump controller would be awesome to run it, but any old arduino will do the job till i can find one.
I also bought 25 RGB pixels, for the scanner in the LDP and the lights in the coin slots. Will crack on with those this weekend. I want the cylon/kitt scanner, but ideally the option to have a blue or red scanner would be preferred. :)
So lots of coding to be done, and hook up the body servos, fix the back door and im almost ready for CE2 :)
Coding will include:
2-3-2 feet drives (finally)
2-3-2 positions re-tune
2 leg driving mode
Adafruit servo controllers for body and dome
RGB LEDs for body (LDP and Coin Slots)
Time to get on with it. :) I have till the 29th of June to do major stuff. Then if i can afford it i have 3 events before CE2 :)