Sunday, 28 October 2012

Wiring UP 2-3-2 and Drive System

After a few days ill in bed, I was really looking forward to getting a bit done once it cleared.  So yesterday I finished off the wiring for all the elements I have fitted but haven't yet sorted.  I then redid the custom shields as needed for the 2-3-2 and Master Arduino.  

I found that the frame upside down on the Rockler made a superb working area, I could spin the whole body to access the right bit. :)

I finished fitting the Feet and Dome Speed controllers and sorted all the wiring.  I have rewired the 2-3-2 system and added a new shield to help simplify the layout.  I also wired in the Master Arduino and all the connecting wires.

But while rewiring the 2-3-2 I realized I had disconnected it all without having documented the set-up.  So I now have the fun task of remapping all the pins in the code and making sure all the motors are driven in the right directions.  :)  But I thought that for next time a bit more documenting of the set-up would be good.  So here we go:

So once this lot is fully tested he will be doing the 2-3-2 and driving via the pad.  But lots of work to do before that.  But another step forward.

I still need to finish wiring up the 5v USB power supplies.  The hope is that running all the 5v low current stuff from USB Powerbanks will maximise the run time of the 12v supply.

Aiming to have it all working for the NEC, I would like to have the pad redone to use the other LCD too.  But driving and 2-3-2 is the main concern at the moment.

Just a shame it will only work for as long as the 7Ah SLA battery lasts.  But I cant justify the decent battery at the moment.  Will have to locate a 2nd SLA for the event. 

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